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Our bodies are designed to move in many different patterns. In order to do this, our kinetic chain must be working effectively. If any structure (muscle, joint etc.) in this chain is weak, our overall movement can be compromised and less efficient. This may force our bodies to overcompensate in another area which can then lead to injury. We analyse your movement and design a programme to meet your needs.

Sports massage on leg


Sports massage can be a valuable tool for sports participants, people with an active lifestyle and those who have a sedentary job. There are many benefits of massage, including reduced muscle tension and stiffness, reduced physical and physiological stress and increased range of motion

Sports Injury


As a qualified athletic therapist, I am specifically trained in the assessment and treatment of musculoskeletal injuries (bone, muscle and joints). People often assume that my job focuses mostly on athletes. This is not the case. I treat a wide range of people, from elite athletes to those preparing for, or recovering from a joint replacement.

Woman Receiving Acupuncture


Dry needling involves inserting a thin filament needle into a trigger point. Trigger points are hyper - irritable points in the fascia surrounding a muscle. 
Some of the benefits of dry needling include; decreased pain, increased range of motion, increased function and increased muscle contraction. 

Therapy Ball


Pilates is for everybody! Pilates is a form of exercise developed by Joseph Pilates in the early 20th century. Pilates aims to strengthen the body with a particular focus on the core. 

My pilates classes are altered to suit the needs of each of individual participant. Pilates is also regularly recommended in the treatment of back pain and other injuries.



Normatec recovery boots are dynamic compression devices designed for recovery and rehabilitation. They use compressed air to massage your limbs, mobilise fluid and speed up recovery. These boots can be used right up to the day of competition with no adverse effect on performance.

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